Working on a data-based school growth
plan has been a learning process.
Organization, time management, and a reliable team are vital
components. The process begins by creating a shared school
vision with input from the school community as part of CAPE 4. The vision must be in place to guide the
school growth plan. The vision must be
communicated and revisited often to help drive decision-making.
Once the vision is firmly in place, a school
growth team is assembled. This team
should be diverse and positive. The
members will share leadership and decision making duties. Members should be from various segments of
the school and community. The input of
this team is vital to the school growth plan and its implementation.
The team must make decisions based on data. Analyzing multiple sources of data, the
leader shares the data with the team and goals are set. Needs assessment surveys may be needed if the
data is vague. Goals should be set and research-based interventions implemented.